No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


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I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life - Tune-Yards (2018)

Tune-Yards è un progetto di Merrill Garbus, voce ukulele e percussioni, 39enne nativa del New England, US, in comunione con la scrittura e il basso di Nate Brenner, californiano di Oakland. Si parte da una pop dance di qualità, che potremmo definire art pop, indie pop o worldbeat, e nonostante il largo uso di elettronica, direi, seppure da inesperto del genere, che l'attitudine è quasi jazz. Ecco spiegata la differenza nella fruizione, tra un pezzo diretto come Heart Attack, e uno come Now As Then. Testi non leggeri: Garbus si è ispirata a temi quali femminismo, intolleranza razzista e libertà, e dal desiderio di sottolineare cosa sta accadendo nel mondo.

Tune-Yards is a project by Merrill Garbus, voice ukulele and percussion, 39 year-old native of New England, US, in communion with the songwriting and bass of Nate Brenner, Californian of Oakland. They start from a pop dance of quality, which we could define art pop, indie pop or worldbeat, and despite the wide use of electronics, I would say, although from inexperienced of the genre, that the attitude is almost jazz. Here is explained the difference in fruition, between a direct track like Heart Attack, and one like Now As Then. Lyrics are committed: Garbus was inspired by themes such as feminism, racist intolerance and freedom, and by the desire to underline what is happening in the world.

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