No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Ieri era per sempre

Yesterday Was Forever - Kate Nash (2018)

Sono passati ben 11 anni da quando vi parlai, invaghito, del debutto dell'allora 19enne di Harlow, Londra, Kate Marie Nash. Simpatica a pelle (confermata, sostenitrice del movimento LGBT e supporter di Jeremy Corbin), è arrivata al quarto disco e continua ad affascinarmi, oltre che per le doti compositive, per il timbro della sua voce, la sua pronuncia, e l'uso che ne fa, incredibilmente eclettico e realmente impressionante. Ancora una volta un bel disco di indie rock al femminile.

It's been 11 years since I talked to you about the debut of 19-year-old from Harlow, London, Kate Marie Nash. I liked her immediately without, obviously, knowing her in person (and I can confirm this feeling, she's a supporter of the LGBT movement, and she endorsed Jeremy Corbin), she has reached the fourth album and continues to fascinate me, as well as for the compositional skills, for the tone of her voice, her pronunciation, and the use that she makes it, incredibly eclectic and really impressive. Once again a beautiful record of female indie rock.

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