No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Al contrario

A.I.M. - M.I.A. (2016)

Spesso tendo a dare per scontato che tutti quelli che leggono questo blog leggano le cose che leggo io, e quindi soprassiedo. M.I.A. detta Maya, ufficialmente Mathangi Arulpragasam, ha 41 anni e un figlio di 7. Non so perché una volta ho scritto che era "brutta ma sexy", perché in realtà trovo sia bellissima. Detto questo, lei stessa ha dichiarato che questo quinto disco sarà il suo ultimo, e che si ritirerà a fare la madre e altre cose. Se vi ricordate, ho avuto qualche difficoltà ad "entrare" nel mood giusto per ascoltarla, ma al terzo disco Maya mi ha conquistato, e le ho riconosciuto la grandezza e l'essere visionaria quanto basta per essere avanti e degna di essere ricordata. Sembra avere un talento naturale anche per scatenare casini: negli ultimi tempi è stata rifiutata del visto per gli USA dopo aver mostrato il dito medio in tv (insieme a Madonna nel 2012), citata dal Paris Saint Germain (nel video di Borders indossa la loro maglia, ma la scritta dello sponsor è cambiato in Fly Pirates), criticata per aver criticato Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar e Black Lives Matter ("perché non Syrian Lives Matter o Muslim Lives Matter?"), eccetera.
Tante cose le sapete già. Il video di Borders (uno dei singoli che hanno anticipato l'album), ci ha ricordato cosa vuol dire "artista socialmente impegnato", anche se poi si tratta sempre di gestire i compromessi (MTV, H&M, e via discorrendo).
Alla fine, tra le tante recensioni, per lo più negative (solo gli italiani la hanno trattata meglio), quella più equilibrata mi è parsa quella di Harriet Gibsone su The Guardian: "frustratingly unfocused" e una summa conclusiva spettacolarmente pirotecnica ed esplicativa: "These are global-facing pop songs that somehow have no place: too slow for a club, too confrontational for the bedroom, too skatty for the radio. It sounds as if AIM was made exclusively for MIA’s benefit: one final eruption of inventive and sometimes incoherent ideas." In effetti, viene da sperare che A.I.M. non sia il suo ultimo disco, perché siamo sicuri che M.I.A. sia capace di maggiore coerenza, e dischi migliori.

Often I tend to assume that everyone who reads this blog, reads the things I read, and therefore I avoid to write it. M.I.A., said Maya, officially Mathangi Arulpragasam, is 41 years old and a son of 7. I do not know because I once wrote that she was "ugly but sexy", because really I find her beautiful. That said, she said that this fifth album will be her last, and that she will retire to make the mother and other things. If you remember, I had some difficulties to "enter" in the right mood to listen to her works, but the third album Maya won me over, and I recognized the greatness and be visionary enough to be ahead and worthy to be remembered. Seems to have a natural talent for triggering trouble in recent times has been refused a visa to the US after showing the middle finger on TV (with Madonna in 2012), sued by Paris Saint Germain (in the "Borders" video wears their shirt, but the writing of the sponsor has changed in "Fly Pirates"), criticized for criticizing Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar and Black Lives Matter ( "why not Syrian Lives Matter or Muslim Lives Matter?"), and so on.
So many things you already know. The video of "Borders" (one of the single who anticipated the album), reminded us what it means to "socially committed artist", even though it is always hard to manage the balance (MTV, H & M, and so on).
In the end, among the many reviews, mostly negative (only Italians have treated her better), the more balanced seemed to me that of Harriet Gibsone in The Guardian: "frustratingly unfocused" and a final summation spectacularly pyrotechnic and explanatory, "These are global-facing pop songs that somehow have no place: too slow for a club, too confrontational for the bedroom, too skatty for the radio. It sounds as if A.I.M. was made exclusively for M.I.A.'s benefits: one final eruption of inventive and sometimes incoherent ideas". In fact, it is to be hoped that A.I.M. wouldn't be her last record, because we are sure that M.I.A. is capable of greater consistency, and better records.

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