No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


SOuthern CALifornia

SoCal Sessions - P.O.D. (2014)

Credeteci o no, i P.O.D. hanno suonato molte volte in acustico, e questo disco, finanziato in crowfunding e uscito nel 2014, raccoglie alcune delle loro più belle canzoni in versioni acustiche. E' sorprendente, fino ad un certo punto, apprezzarne la bellezza cristallina in queste versioni: chi li ama, come me, sapeva benissimo che pezzi come Alive, Will You, It Can't Rain Everyday, No Ordinary Love Song, erano già pezzi scritti in modo spettacolare. Questo disco dà modo di "toccare con mano" l'ottima tecnica, e il gusto negli arrangiamenti, oltre ad altre finezze. Da non perdere.

Believe it or not, the P.O.D., have played many times in acoustic, and this record, funded in crowfunding and released in 2014, contains some of their most beautiful songs in acoustic versions. It's amazing, up to a certain point, to appreciate its crystalline beauty of these versions: who loves them, like me, knew that songs like "Alive", "Will You", "It Can't Rain Everyday", "No Ordinary Love Song", were already spectacularly written songs. This album gives way to "touch" the excellent technique and the good taste in arrangements, among other niceties. Not to be missed.

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