No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Senza paura

Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) - Kali Uchis (2020)

Interessante secondo album per la ventiseienne nativa di Alexandria, Virginia, ma di padre colombiano; Karly (vero nome Karly-Marina Loaiza) ha passato diverse estati (quando frequentava la high school) in Colombia, perché il padre era tornato in patria per assistere la di lui madre, gravemente malata. Sempre alle superiori, impara a suonare piano e sax, e si approccia al jazz. Ma già comincia ad interessarsi ad un'ampia varietà di generi musicali, che la porta ad esordire nel 2012 con un mixtape. Potremmo definirla la risposta statunitense a Rosalia, e forse non sbaglieremmo di troppo. RNB, reggaeton, bolero, Latin pop, voce vellutata, collaborazioni interessanti, canzoni ben scritte, forse manca ancora un pizzico di personalità. Da tenere d'occhio.
Interesting second album for the twenty-six year old native of Alexandria, Virginia, but of a Colombian father; Karly (real name Karly-Marina Loaiza) spent several summers (when she was in high school) in Colombia, because her father had returned to his homeland to care for his mother, who was seriously ill. Still in high school, she learns to play piano and sax, and approaches jazz. But she is already beginning to take an interest in a wide variety of musical genres, which leads her to debut in 2012 with a mixtape. We could call it the US response to Rosalia, and perhaps we wouldn't be too wrong. RNB, reggaeton, bolero, Latin pop, velvety voice, interesting collaborations, well-written songs, maybe a pinch of personality is still missing. To keep an eye on.

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