24 anni, nata a Croydon, cresciuta a Beckenham, introdotta alla musica dai genitori fin dalla tenera età, un talento precoce. Madre inglese, padre di origini miste, giamaicane e cinesi, bassista. Guadagna popolarità già con il suo album di debutto del 2023 My Mind Wanders and Sometimes Leaves Completely, e prosegue il suo percorso con questo secondo This Wasn't Meant for You Anyway, uscito nel giugno del 2024. Il disco ha una prima parte travolgente, e ad essere del tutto onesti si affloscia leggermente nella seconda (ma, probabilmente, perché appunto, il filotto Good Books, Wish You Were Dead, Big Brown Eyes, Conceited, Messy è francamente di una bellezza allucinante), e mette in mostra un approccio al pop del tutto innovativo, fatto di un mix di RNB, soul, influenze reggae e caraibiche in genere, rock, e soprattutto, un livello di composizione sorprendentemente maturo e ricco di trovate spiazzanti, inaspettate, bellissime. Decisamente da seguire.
24 years old, born in Croydon, raised in Beckenham, introduced to music by her parents from an early age, a precocious talent. English mother, father of mixed origins, Jamaican and Chinese, bass player. She gained popularity already with her debut album in 2023 My Mind Wanders and Sometimes Leaves Completely, and continues her journey with this second This Wasn't Meant for You Anyway, released in June 2024. The album has an overwhelming first part, and to be completely honest it sags slightly in the second (but, probably, because, in fact, the sequence Good Books, Wish You Were Dead, Big Brown Eyes, Conceited, Messy is frankly of an incredible beauty), and shows off a completely innovative approach to pop, made up of a mix of RNB, soul, reggae and Caribbean influences in general, rock, and above all, a surprisingly mature level of composition and full of disconcerting, unexpected, beautiful ideas. Definitely worth following.
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