No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


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The Way Forward - Black Tusk (2024)

Settimo album per la band di Savannah, Georgia, album che conferma tutto quanto ebbi a dire quasi dieci anni fa in occasione del loro EP Tend No Wounds, approccio figlio di due influenze principali (hardcore/crust punk e stoner metal), marinato dal tempo e dalla strada (intesa nel senso di tour). A livello innovativo o sperimentale, i Black Tusk non si sono mai distinti, ma per quanto riguarda il suono massiccio e l'approccio frontale, il disco si fa ascoltare con piacere.

Seventh album for the band from Savannah, Georgia, an album that confirms everything I said almost ten years ago on the occasion of their EP Tend No Wounds, an approach born of two main influences (hardcore/crust punk and stoner metal), marinated by time and from the road (intended in the sense of tour). On an innovative or experimental level, Black Tusk have never stood out, but in terms of massive sound and frontal approach, the album is a pleasure to listen to.

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