No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Il disco

The Record - Fear (1982)

Oggi facciamo un lungo passo indietro, ed andiamo a parlare dei FEAR, una delle band seminali del punk californiano. Una band che esiste dal 1977, è arrivata fino ad oggi (anche se della formazione originale rimane solo il cantante e chitarrista Lee Ving), e della quale, per un breve periodo, ha fatto parte perfino Flea (RHCP). Questo è il loro primo LP, datato 1982, che definisce un suono e contiene, come spesso capita con i dischi punk fondamentali, quasi tutte canzoni indimenticabili (14 nella versione originale, 15 nella ristampa in CD), comprese Let's Have a War, Beef Boloney, I Don't Care About You, Gimme Some Action, I Love Livin' in the City, e la cover di We Got to Get Out of This Place (The Animals, scritta da Barry Mann e Cynthia Weil). Una grande voce, ruvida e capace, ritmiche impensabilmente veloci per l'epoca, un'ironia difficile da eguagliare, e un approccio veramente punk (I Don't Care About You ma anche, come la bonus track inserita nella ristampa su CD del 2007, Fuck Christmas, il loro secondo singolo).

Today we take a long step back, and let's talk about FEAR, one of the seminal bands of Californian punk. A band that has existed since 1977, has survived until today (although only the singer and guitarist Lee Ving remains of the original line-up), and of which, for a short time, even Flea (RHCP) was part. This is their first LP, dated 1982, which defines a sound and contains, as often happens with fundamental punk records, almost all of them unforgettable songs (14 in the original version, 15 in the CD reissue), including Let's Have a War, Beef Boloney, I Don't Care About You, Gimme Some Action, I Love Livin 'in the City, and the cover of We Got to Get Out of This Place (The Animals, written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil). A great voice, rough and capable, rhythms that were unthinkably fast for the time, an irony difficult to match, and a truly punk approach (I Don't Care About You but also, like the bonus track included in the 2007 CD reissue, Fuck Christmas, their second single).

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