No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Esclusi dall'esilio

Outtakes From Exile - EMA (2018)

Cinque pezzi registrati nelle sessioni di Exile in the Outer Ring. O meglio: quattro pezzi registrati in quelle sessioni e non inclusi nel disco, Dark Shadows, MopTops (Twist While the World Stops), Anything Good e From the Love That We Made, e una versione strumentale di Breathalyzer, sottotitolata EMA Long Cut (infatti dura 20 minuti tondi). Un viaggio dark attraverso le atmosfere post new wave intrecciate con il folk, e la voce duttile, a volte sussurrata, a volte sull'orlo della crisi nervosa, di Erika Michelle Anderson. Necessario no, ma interessante per capire che anche quello che scarta, è buono.

Five tracks recorded in the sessions of Exile in the Outer Ring. Or better: four tracks recorded in those sessions and not included in the album, Dark Shadows, MopTops (Twist While the World Stops), Anything Good and From the Love That We Made, and an instrumental version of Breathalyzer, subtitled EMA Long Cut (in fact takes 20 minutes rounds). A dark journey through the post new wave atmospheres intertwined with folk, and the ductile voice, sometimes whispered, sometimes on the verge of the nervous crisis, by Erika Michelle Anderson. Not necessary, but interesting to understand that even what she usually throw away, is good.

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