No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Hologram - Stonerider (2016)

Terzo album per gli statunitensi della Georgia Stonerider, dopo l'ottimo Three Legs of Trouble, ed il suo successore Fountains Left to Wake, dove già mostravano di volersi muovere lungo l'asse della musica rock degli anni '70 come luce guida. In questo Hologram, svoltano ancor più decisamente verso un suono quasi pinkfloydiano, e mettono in piedi un disco ancora una volta fuori dal tempo, ma impossibile da giudicare brutto.

Third album for Stonerider, americans from Georgia, after the excellent "Three Legs of Trouble", and its successor "Fountains Left To Wake", where they already showed to want to move along the axis of the rock music of the '70s as a guiding light. In this "Hologram", they turn even more decisively towards an almost Pink Floyd-esque kind of sound, and they set up an album once again out of time, but impossible to judge as ugly.

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