No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Due dimensioni

2D - Northlane (2021)

E' uscito nel mese di maggio, questo EP contentente cinque tracce, per la band di Sydney, Australia. Si tratta di un divertissement, sono cinque tracce del loro Alien riarrangiate ed eseguite totalmente in acustico. Naturalmente, un dischetto che non aggiunge (ma neppure toglie) niente a quanto pensavamo della band stessa: il disco era molto bello, come vi dissi, le canzoni suonano bellissime anche in queste versioni.
This five-track EP was released in May for the band from Sydney, Australia. It is a divertissement, they are five tracks from their Alien rearranged and performed entirely in acoustic. Of course, a disc that doesn't add (but neither takes away) anything to what we thought of the band itself: the disc was very nice, as I told you, the songs sound beautiful even in these versions.

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