No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Lo scrigno d’oro

The Golden Casket - Modest Mouse (2021)

Ci fu un periodo in cui la band di Issaquah, Washington, e attualmente di base a Portland, Oregon, mi intrigava moltissimo (Good News for People Who Love Bad News), dopo di che mi deluse tantissimo (We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank), tanto da finire tra i peggiori del 2007, tanto che non ho ricordo di aver mai ascoltato il seguente Strangers to Ourselves, del 2015. Mi riavvicino a loro con questo nuovissimo The Golden Casket, che riassume tutti i loro pro e contro. C'è la loro genialità eclettica, brani mai uguali, continuamente spiazzanti, con picchi di sapientissima capacità compositiva, e c'è quella supponenza da marching band che mi fa odiare la confusione gioiosa ma per nulla cattiva delle cose alla Animal Collective o alla Arcade Fire. Sicuramente non un disco epocale, ma onesto ed in linea con il loro concetto di musica indie rock.
There was a time when the band from Issaquah, Washington, and currently based in Portland, Oregon, intrigued me tremendously (Good News for People Who Love Bad News), after which they disappointed me tremendously (We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank), so much so that it ended up among the worst of 2007, and so much so that I don't remember ever listening to the following 2015 Strangers to Ourselves. I get back closer to them with this brand new The Golden Casket, which summarizes all their pros and cons. There is their eclectic genius, songs that are never the same, continuously unsettling, with peaks of very wise compositional ability, and there is that marching band arrogance that makes me hate the disturbing joyful confusion of things a la Animal Collective or a la Arcade Fire. Definitely not an epochal record, but honest and in line with their concept of indie rock music.

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