No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Disparity - Oceans Ate Alaska (2022)

Oggi parliamo di questa band inglese di Birmingham, della quale mi spiace non avervi parlato prima. Qui sono al loro terzo album, molto metalcore, quindi melodia alternata a strofe potentissime, ma pure mathcore, poliritmi e dissonanze, ritmiche djent ed innesti elettronici. Un batterista fenomenale, un occhio ai Dillinger Escape Plan e uno agli Architects più che ai Bring Me the Horizon, senza dimenticare piccolissimi innesti quasi nu-disco. Interessanti e tecnicamente validissimi.
Today we are talking about this English band from Birmingham, which I am sorry not to have told you about earlier. Here they are on their third album, very metalcore, so melody alternating with powerful verses, but also mathcore, polyrhythms and dissonances, djent rhythms and electronic grafts. A phenomenal drummer, one eye on Dillinger Escape Plan and one on Architects more than Bring Me the Horizon, without forgetting very small, almost nu-disco grafts. Interesting and technically very valid.

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