No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


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Babyface - Artio (2024)

Album di debutto per questa band di Leeds, UK, uscito nel marzo 2024. Capitanati dalla figura carismatica di Charlie Rae Brazill (pronomi in inglese they/them), la band ha un approccio estetico molto queer, mentre quello musicale, dove molti suggeriscono Wargasm, Enter Shikari, PVRIS, a me ricordano i migliori Paramore. Disco fresco, molto molto melodico, spruzzato di pop punk rock, allegro e divertente. 

Debut album for this band from Leeds, UK, released in March 2024. Led by the charismatic figure of Charlie Rae Brazill (pronouns in English they/them), the band has a very queer aesthetic approach, while the musical one, where many suggest Wargasm, Enter Shikari, PVRIS, reminds me of the best Paramore. Fresh album, very very melodic, sprinkled with pop punk rock, cheerful and fun.

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