No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Nella strega

i Häxa - i Häxa (2024)

Progetto composto dalla cantante Rebecca Need-Menear (Anavae) e dal produttore/strumentista Peter Miles (tra i crediti principali produttore per Architects e co-produttore di War of Being dei Tesseract), affascinante commistione di musica ambient, art rock, trip-hop, visioni dark, era in origine concepito come un unico flusso musicale, poi diviso in EP, e poi ancora raggruppato in un unico album. Disco bellissimo, voce divina, se i due promotori decideranno di dare seguito a questo progetto, ci sarà da godere esteticamente.

A project composed of singer Rebecca Need-Menear (Anavae) and producer/instrumentalist Peter Miles (main credits include producer for Architects and co-producer of Tesseract's War of Being), a fascinating mix of ambient music, art rock, trip-hop, dark visions, it was originally conceived as a single musical flow, then divided into EPs, and then again grouped into a single album. Beautiful record, divine voice, if the two members decide to follow up on this project, it will be an aesthetical/musical pleasure.

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