No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Balance - Of Wolves (2020)
Oggetto strano questo secondo album per la band di Chicago, Illinois, che suona un ibrido sludge metal fortemente influenzato dal crust / hardcore punk, un disco bello teso, ruvido, un po' fuori dal tempo, ma efficace. Liriche socialmente impegnate, sano senso dell'umorismo, eclettici un bel po', passano da una traccia spezzacollo come Maker, ad un'accoppiata quasi psichedelica come Balance seguita da Clear Cutting, Bloodshed, Heart to Hand, per chiudere con una cover di Die Die My Darling dei Misfits, ribattezzata semplicemente Die Die, rimaneggiatissima e quasi irriconoscibile, ma molto indovinata.
Strange object this second album for the band from Chicago, Illinois, which plays a hybrid sludge metal heavily influenced by crust / hardcore punk, a tense, rough, a little out of time, but effective record. Socially committed lyrics, a healthy sense of humor, eclectic a lot, go from a breakneck track like Maker, to an almost psychedelic pairing like Balance followed by Clear Cutting, Bloodshed, Heart to Hand, to close with a cover of Die Die My Darling by the Misfits, simply renamed Die Die, highly reworked and almost unrecognizable, but very well guessed.

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