No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Euthanasia - Stray from the Path (2022)

Il mio solito pusher di band che non conosco, mi segnala la band di Long Island, New York, qui al loro decimo album. Francamente vergognoso che siano così poco conosciuti: suonano come se i Rage Against the Machine si fossero fatti di steroidi, liriche militanti comprese. Un altro disco che non fa prigionieri, per le vostre serene serate davanti al caminetto.
My usual pusher of bands I don't know, points me to the band from Long Island, New York here on their tenth album. Frankly shameful that they are so little known: they sound as if Rage Against the Machine were on steroids, militant lyrics included. Another record that takes no prisoners, for your serene evenings in front of the fireplace.

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