No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Il deviante

The Deviant - Descend (2020)

Terzo album per la band svedese di Stoccolma, attiva dal 2003, ed arrivata al debutto sulla lunga distanza nel 2011 con Through the Eyes of the Burdened, seguito poi nel 2014 da Wither. Questo The Deviant risale al 2020, ed è un disco che mette in mostra l'ibrido musicale che la band preferisce: un death metal melodico e progressivo, che li avvicina moltissimo ai concittadini Opeth (nei vari passaggi del loro percorso, come saprete, adesso gli Opeth hanno "ripulito" le parti death, i Descend al momento le conservano).
Third album for the Swedish band from Stockholm, active since 2003, and arrived at their long-distance debut in 2011 with Through the Eyes of the Burdened, followed in 2014 by Wither. This The Deviant dates back to 2020, and is a record that showcases the musical hybrid that the band prefers: a melodic and progressive death metal, which brings them very close to fellow citizens Opeth (in the various steps of their path, as you know, now Opeth have "cleaned up" the death parts, Descend currently keep them).

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