No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Muerte - Canserbero (2012)

Segnalatomi da un amico che, come me, condivide curiosità sul mondo latino-americano, vi segnalo a mia volta questo rapper venezuelano, purtroppo morto nel 2015 in circostanze ancora non chiare, a soli 27 anni. Lascia due album, Vida del 2010 e questo Muerte del 2012 (che coincidenza), due album collaborativi e un mixtape. Questo disco, che parla di temi ricorrenti nelle liriche di Canserbero (contrazione slang del latino canis cerberus) quali morte (ovviamente), violenza, crimine, disamore in modo estremamente intelligente, da vero consciuos rapper, contiene quattordici ottime tracce anche a livello musicale, e mostra una padronanza davvero impressionante del flow. Davvero un peccato che non sia più con noi. 
Referred to me by a friend who, like me, shares curiosity about the Latin American world, I would like to point out in my turn this Venezuelan rapper, unfortunately died in 2015 under circumstances still not clear, at only 27 years old. He leaves two albums, Vida, 2010 and this Muerte, 2012 (what a coincidence, Muerte means death), two collaborative albums and a mixtape. This record, which talks about recurring themes in Canserbero's lyrics (slang contraction of the Latin canis cerberus) such as death (obviously), violence, crime, disaffection in an extremely intelligent way, as a true consciuos rapper, contains fourteen excellent tracks also on a musical level, and shows a very impressive command of flow. Really a pity that he is no longer with us.

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