No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Odio verso tutto

Hate Über Alles - Kreator (2022)

Quindicesimo album in studio per la band tedesca (ma adesso potremmo definirla europea, leggete la formazione qua), un onestissimo disco di thrash metal, potente e melodico, a volte perfino troppo. Qualche giorno fa, mentre lo riascoltavo, mi sono sorpreso a sorridere ripensando a quanto erano poco tecnici ai loro esordi, eppure ci piacevano. Forse più di adesso.
Fifteenth studio album for the German band (but now we could define it European, read the lineup here), a very honest thrash metal record, powerful and melodic, sometimes even too much. A few days ago, while I was listening to it again, I surprised myself smiling as I thought back to how little technical they were in their beginnings, yet we liked them. Maybe more than now.

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