No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Il disastro del tappeto rosso

Rouge Carpet Disaster - Static Dress (2022)

Uno dei soliti amici mi segnala l'uscita (in maggio) del debutto degli inglesi (di Leeds) Static Dress. Intrigante miscela di metalcore, emo, screamo, alt rock, pizzichi di elettronica, nu metal, punk rock, sono indicati come alla base del revival post-hardcore. Molto attenti al lato visuale ed immaginario (curano i loro stessi video e, così come altre band, spesso le loro uscite sono accompagnate da comic books relativi), mi ha colpito la descrizione di chi li definisce un mix tra Underoath, Emery e My Chemical Romance. Suono teso, vicino ai Knocked Loose (con i quali sono andati in tour) e agli SeeYouSpaceCowboy, grandissime aperture melodiche come quelle dei Touché Amoré o, giustamente, dei My Chemical Romance, non fatico a comprendere perché l'amico di cui sopra sostenga che questo sia uno dei migliori dischi del 2022.
One of the usual friends point me the release (in May) of the debut of the English (from Leeds) young band Static Dress. Intriguing blend of metalcore, emo, screamo, alt rock, electronic pinches, nu metal, punk rock, are indicated as the basis of the post-hardcore revival. Very attentive to the visual and imaginary side (they take care of their own videos and, like other bands, often their releases are accompanied by related comic books), I was struck by the description of who defines them as a mix between Underoath, Emery and My Chemical Romance. Tense sound, close to Knocked Loose (with whom they went on tour) and SeeYouSpaceCowboy, huge melodic openings like those of Touché Amoré or, rightly, of My Chemical Romance, I don't struggle to understand why the aforementioned friend claims that this is one of the best records of 2022.

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