No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


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Keep This Be the Way - Helms Alee (2022)

Eccoci al sesto album della band basata a Seattle, Washington. La seguo da un po', e posso dirvi che questo disco, così come i due precedenti, segna chiaramente la volontà di esplorare nuovi orizzonti, senza perdere le loro radici. La base sludge, chiaramente ispirata ai migliori Melvins (con i quali, se non ho visto male, saranno in tour negli US) e le strutture progressive che già c'erano in precedenza, stavolta si sposano con armonie ed intrecci a più voci, degni dei migliori in questo campo (fate pure nomi a caso). Non perdono in potenza, ma acquistano in fascino, se non in melodia. Un bel "viaggio".
Here we are on the sixth album by the band based in Seattle, Washington. I've been following them for a while, and I can tell you that this record, as well as the two previous ones, clearly marks the desire to explore new horizons, without losing their roots. The sludge base, clearly inspired by the best Melvins (with whom, if I have not seen wrong, they will be on tour in the US) and the progressive structures that were already there, this time are married with harmonies and plots with several voices, worthy of the best in this field (just name some names at random). They do not lose in power, but they acquire in charm, if not in melody. A nice "trip".

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