No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Finché ci incontreremo ancora

‘Till We Meet Again - Norah Jones (2021)

Primo disco live per la pianista, cantante e compositrice (nonché attrice, diciamo a tempo perso) nativa di Manhattan, New York, figlia di Ravi Shankar; le registrazioni risalgono al periodo 2017/2019, e sono di concerti negli US, in Francia, Italia, Brasile ed Argentina, tutte con una serie di musicisti impeccabili. La scaletta spazia dal suo debutto Come Away With Me, fino a Begin Again del 2019, e si chiude con la ormai famosa cover piano e voce di Black Hole Sun dei Soundgarden, suonata come tributo a Cornell pochi giorni dopo la sua morte.
Ottime performance, grande voce con qualche virtuosismo che è solita non mostrare nei dischi in studio.
First live album for the pianist, singer and composer (as well as actress, let's say in her spare time) native of Manhattan, New York, daughter of Ravi Shankar; the recordings date back to the period 2017/2019, and are of concerts in the US, France, Italy, Brazil and Argentina, all with a series of impeccable musicians. The set list ranges from her debut Come Away With Me, to Begin Again in 2019, and ends with the now famous piano and vocal cover of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun, played as a tribute to Cornell a few days after his death.
Great performances, great voice with some virtuosity that she doesn't usually show on studio records.

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