No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


L'ira delle nuvole

The Wrath of the Clouds - Marissa Nadler (2022)

Esce a pochi mesi di distanza dal (possiamo definirlo così) "progenitore" The Path of the Clouds questo EP dal titolo simile, The Wrath of the Clouds. Il motivo lo spiega la stessa Marissa Nadler: le tre canzoni originali inedite, Guns on the Sundeck, All of the Eclipses e Some Secret Existence, le aveva scritte proprio per quel disco, e nemmeno lei si è capacitata del perché ne fossero rimaste fuori. Sono d'accordo con lei, molto belle. Le ha unite a due cover che voleva realizzare da tempo: l'intensa Saunders Ferry Lane, in origine cantata da Sammi Smith nel 1970, e la spensierata Seabird degli Alessi Brothers (1976). Tornano collaboratori già presenti sull'album precedente (Milky Burgess, Amber Webber), e se ne aggiunge un altro (Joshua Grange). Bel dischetto.
Comes a few months after (we can define it like this) its "progenitor" The Path of the Clouds this EP with a similar title, The Wrath of the Clouds. The reason is explained by Marissa Nadler herself: the three original unreleased songs, Guns on the Sundeck, All of the Eclipses and Some Secret Existence, she had written them for that record, and not even she could understand why they were left out. I agree with her, very beautiful. She combined them with two covers she had wanted to do for a long time: the intense Saunders Ferry Lane, originally sung by Sammi Smith in 1970, and the lighthearted Seabird by the Alessi Brothers (1976). Collaborators already present on the previous album return (Milky Burgess, Amber Webber), and another one is added (Joshua Grange). Nice little disc.

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